Sunday, January 25, 2015

just two or three mountains

Michelle had some drop-dead gorgeous outfits made for her at the Rw&a clothing store, so Amélie and I were inspired to do the same.  Our outfits will be ready in a week. It was great fun to choose the style and then get measured and fitted out.

Michelle left last night to fly back to Canada.  We already miss her delightful humour and cheer.  Needless to say, of our Rwandan friends made her promise that she would be back.

Bona is one of the Rwandan anesthesiologists and a long time friend.  He invited Amélie and me to come hiking with him this morning with his hiking club. He said, “We will climb two or three mountains. It will be easy”.  I asked if perhaps we could climb just one mountain. Amélie and I were feeling pretty confident after our five-hour hike last weekend, so off we went with Bona and his friends.  Let’s just say it was humbling.  Four hours later Amélie and I practically crawled into our apartment having walked up and down the hills around Kigali at an exceedingly brisk pace.  At times the group broke into a run - up the hills! Despite our exhaustion we saw Kigali in a new way. Once we left the traffic behind, we walked enjoyed the eucalyptus smells, birdcalls and greenery.  But with the burning in our legs, this might just be a one-time event…

Jocelyn, at the Rwanda Clothing Co.

Sun breaking through the mist in the hills around Kigali

Members of Bona's hiking club up ahead


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