Friday, January 24, 2014

off to Gisenyi

Hello. Perhaps it is a bit odd to be reflecting about winter whilst in 28-degree weather. Nevertheless… My colleagues at home had a SNOWDAY!!! On Wednesday afternoon. Glorious. Perhaps the best thing about winter (one of). Why you ask? Well if I decide to do work it is bonus productivity. This productivity reduces my stress level and my overall wellness increases. If I decide to go out and do activities, they are guilt free because I am living on bonus time. Obviously, this too increases my overall wellness. Basically, snowdays increase wellness.
Now generally, I don’t ‘feel bad’ for the Rwandans. It is my experience that most of them are very happy with their lives. And, in fact, many that have been away from Rwanda want to promptly return.
But they don’t have snowdays… And as we have previously established, snowdays=increased wellness. Perhaps to increase wellness in Rwanda we should consider increasing the number of snowdays… I will get back to you on this.

On another note. It rains here. It come suddenly, fiercely then disappears without  warning. I also learned that not showing up on time (or at all) is completely acceptable if it is raining. And I completely agree. Perhaps we should institute that rule at home. It may increase wellness.  

Am I right? Because if an idea works in one place it always works everywhere…

Shout out to Dr. Sender who is leaving us tomorrow. Not sure what I am going to do without my food safety inspector.

Also, Rwanda I believe has more portable ultrasounds than the HI and VG combined. Think of the potential for bedside ultrasound diagnostics!!!



Our lunch table at Serena

Hi Everyone,
We are off to Gisenyi on Lake Kivu this afternoon.  Tomorrow we will meet my friend, Tom, for a boat trip down Lake Kivu. It's hard to believe we've been in Rwanda two weeks.  It has been a rich and wonderful time, with some moments of utter frustration or sadness.  The joy of teaching keen people makes it all worthwhile.

Mat is a stellar resident, even if I don't understand his blog posts.  He has been teaching non stop - simulation, classroom, OR, M and M, journal club... The residents are so glad to have Mat here and they all want more time with him.

I'm not sure how easy it will be to post tomorrow (from a boat on Lake Kivu) but we plan a day of catching up on work and a little exercise on Sunday.


1 comment:

  1. Have a great time at Gisenyi. I knew it was near to the DRC, but was surprised when I looked at a map to see just how close it was. You're practically in Goma! Take care and don't get mixed up with any guerrillas -- stick to the gorillas instead. I've enjoyed tuning in to your blog. R
